Monday, October 22, 2007

When horrible things happen, we cannot help but pause and reflect on everything that led to them. It is, perhaps, to our credit that through all the bloodshed and tears, we somehow find the strength to pick ourselves up, solemnly take our stand, and ask the one universal question: who do we blame this time?

Of course, Trillanes & friends are quick to direct accusations at the administration--not simply for allowing the bombing to happen, but for actually ARRANGING it, in order to distract everyone from the horrible job the Arroyo administration is doing. And yeah, I guess we should probably listen to Trillanes, this guy is, after all, an expert on scaring people with bombs. I couldn't find a proper quote from the good senator, so let's take the time to appreciate this one from random internet guy (let's pretend it's Trillanes ^____^;;;;;;;;;):
This explosion and reckless disregard to human life brought to you by Gloria Arroyo and her faithful military puppetmasters. They just didn't want her bribery scandal making headlines so they sacrificed innocent lives to draw attention away from her inept and corrupt handling.
Of course, it makes perfect sense now. No wacky conspiracy theories about "disturbed individuals" or "terrorists;" it's much more plausible to think that the administration did it all secretly in an attempt to keep people from noticing what really matters. I'd like to congratulate Senator Antonio Trillanes IV and all the truly courageous and outstanding people out there on the internet who have the strength and resolve to say what needs to be said. It takes quite a lot of character to take the deaths of eleven people, the injuries of a hundred, and the destruction of a building, and make it about you and your political agenda. Keep up the good work; I'm looking forward to your forthcoming exposé on how Gloria brought AIDS and the Muslim-engineered gay virus into the country.

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